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The Power Of Touch

Writer's picture: Becci GodfreyBecci Godfrey

Did you know that through touch we can impact on the physical and mental state of ourselves and another?

The laying on of hands is an ancient practice. Bump your head and the first thing you're likely to do is take your hands to that area. That's because we intuitively know that the warmth and comfort our hands provide will help with the healing process, speeding up the rate at which we recover.

Compassionate touch is a wonderful mood stabiliser, body relaxer and instigator of deep healing. The Greeks used therapeutic touch in their temples to Aesculapius, the god of medicine, for healing the sick and Christianity uses the practice for healings, blessings and ordinations.

Around 1914 onwards in Japan, the practice of healing through the laying on of hands was know as Reiki. Several forms of this healing practice existed, with the most well known version today - Usui Reiki Ryoho - created by a Japanese civil servant and business man, by the name of Mikao Usui.

Prior to creating Usui Reiki Ryoho, Usui himself wanted to experience a special state of enlightenment, known as An-shin Ritsu-mei. An-shin Ritsu-mei is a state of peace irrespective of what is taking place in the outside world. Usui decided to dedicate his life to achieving this state, so he sought himself a Zen teacher and began to practice Zazen meditation.

A severe practice

After three years the state of An-shin Ritsu-mei continued to elude Usui, so he consulted his teacher for help. His teacher suggested a quite severe practice that required the student to be willing to die (it is not sure if actual death was suggested or simply a death of the ego) through fasting, a common practice in spiritual development known to activate the pineal gland.

In February 1922, Usui went to Mount Kurama, a sacred mountain north of Kyoto to meditate and fast till he transitioned to the next world. As time passed, he became weaker and weaker until midnight on the 21st day it is thought he experienced a "great bright light" entering the top of his head, as if he had been struck by lightening. He fell unconscious, and when he woke he realised that he was filled with this extraordinary spiritual energy.

Tree roots on Mount Kurama

Delighted he had reached enlightenment, Usui went running down the mountain to share with his teacher. On the way, he stubbed his toe on one of the many protruding tree roots. In a reflex response he put his hands to his throbbing toe and experienced this incredible healing energy. The pain went away, and Usui realised that in addition to achieving enlightenment, he had also received the gift of healing.

It was then he realised healing and teaching others was his life purpose.

In April 1922, Usui opened a Reiki Clinic in Tokyo and created a healing society called Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Healing Method Society). People would travel from all over the country to receive healing and learn Reiki for themselves, often with a long queue outside the clinics doors.

In 1923, a huge earthquake and tsunami struck Tokyo and Yokohama, resulting in a fire killing many thousands and creating mass homelessness. This caused Usui to look to find a way to speed up the training of healers. This caused him to create a more formalised system of Reiki with precepts, meditations, hands on healing techniques, symbols and a Reiju process.

It is this system of Reiki, I, Becci - teach today. Founded in my own first hand experience of healing and through many years of practice, I am honoured to facilitate this valuable practice to others.

I currently teach Reiki in four levels.

Shoden/Level 1/First Degree

Learn about Reiki energy, the precepts, meditation, how to treat yourself and friends and family

Okuden/Level 2/Second Degree

Scanning the aura, the first 3 Reiki Symbols, earth, heaven and heart energy, how to set up to treat professionally

Shinpiden/Level 3/Master Level

Embodiment of Reiki, 4th Reiki symbol, the Kotodama, chanting the precepts, deeper spiritual teachings

Teacher Level

Learn the Reiju process and how to set up a Reiki course

Learning Reiki is a wonderful journey of spiritual development and empowerment. Each student is encouraged to have a treatment with me first to get to know one another better and see if I am the right teacher for you. From there, should we choose to learn together, I will empower you to find your own meaning of Reiki, guiding you through the course material and supporting you after you have learnt with my online group and regular Reiki Shares.

The next Reiki Level 1 course (shoden) for beginners and those that want to be able to treat themselves and friends and family, is happening on Sat 6th November and Sun 14th November at my clinic space in Mark Cross. Those interested in learning are welcome to reach out and connect with me to find out more, I would be delighted to help.

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